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Wednesday 6 November 2013


This blog is changing. It already moved from LiveJournal to Blogger, but that was for practical reasons and irritation therewith. It will now change further, I suspect, in part because small amusing and interesting novelties are more at home on Facebook, but also because the the things that I find interesting to discuss at blog length and in a blog context have changed. When I turned 70 it occurred to me that a new exploration, a new adventure was needed. Since physical developments ruled out climbing more difficult rock walls and doing the Silk Road by motorcycle, religion presented itself as both appealing and appropriate to my age. I have previously mentioned my conversion to Anglicanism as an undergraduate; thoughts and meditations continue, and might be good to share. 
Really? As soon as one writes those last words, or indeed even thinks them, humility crowds in. Who am I to set forth my puny ideas where the greatest minds of two millennia have thought? Who am I to consider those puny ideas worth putting out on the public square that is the blogosphere, where there are already a number of genuinely profound contributions? I entirely agree. And yet, if those same murmurs can help just one passer-by in cyberspace the effort will not have been entirely useless. So, in all more-than-justified humility, I will try. 

1 comment:

  1. Blogging is good for the soul....... whether someone reads it or not is secondary! Well, it is to me anyway. I haven't blogged in awhile, but reading your post is giving me the nudge I need. Be assured that your Irish neighbour up the road has read and enjoyed your post today, thank you!
